What is Remote-First?

Remote-first is an organizational strategy that makes working remotely the primary option for most or all employees. Employees work from another location, such as a home office or co-working space.

Tell us what kind of team member you need
What kind of talent do you need? What’s the tech stack? What specific skills do you need?
Submit a position to let us know what you need - the more details, the better. Whether it’s a single team member or a cross-functional team of ten, Permote can handle it. After we get the job description, our internal team of experts will review it and connect with you to answer any questions and get an even better understanding of your exact needs.
We’ll find you the Perfect Match
What kind of talent do you need? What’s the tech stack? What specific skills do you need?
We have someone in our network who is ready to work with you immediately.

A candidate is being evaluated who matches your qualifications, and we will notify you upon completing the screening process.

We currently do not have a match for your request, so our team will work tirelessly to find one.
They become part of your Team
We’ll introduce you to your new team member
As soon as you review and sign off on our recommended candidate(s), they’ll be ready to merge into your team. Permote talent usually works from anywhere - remote first.
Work with your superb team member at No-Risk
If you're not 100% satisfied after a trial working with a candidate, we'll start the process all over again at absolutely no cost
Our no-risk trial period lets companies work with the talent first before deciding if they’re 100% confident in moving forward. If, for whatever reason, you are not completely satisfied with a candidate, you will not be liable for any payment. We can either part ways or restart the entire cycle with you at absolutely no cost.

Book a call to see how Permote can help you to hire tech talent from CEE
Stay ahead of hiring for your tech team with access to a curated list of skilled developers, ready to interview.